Monday Munchers 2025
This group meets on the first Monday’s of the month during the months of September thru May at 11:30 AM in the Great Hall. It is an outreach program that serves people primarily in their “silver years”. A main course, dessert, water and tea are provided at this luncheon styled function. The luncheon begins with prayer and a devotional. Activities include dominoes, cards, and board games.

Men’s Bible Study Group
E.D. Hirsch writes, “To be culturally literate is to possess the basic information needed to thrive in the modern world.” the group meets at 6:30 PM

Congregational Care 2025
This team demonstrates care and support to our members needing support due to death in the family or other losses, crises, or transitions. We send cards, call to check on members, visit shut-ins and those in hospitals or other caring facilities/homes, and shepherd new members.

Helping Hands
An inclusive Christian membership organization where women like you grow spiritually, develop as leaders and serve and work to create a world in which all women, children and youth thrive. HH meets on the second Tuesdays of the month at 9:30 AM in the Library during the months of September thru May.

Men in Ministry
Is a creative fellowship of men who declare the centrality of Christ in their lives and through Discipleship, Evangelism and the Word of God, seek to witness Christ as Lord and Savior in the lives of others. To encourage knowledge and support for the total mission of The United Methodist Church. The UMM meet on the fourth Saturdays of the month at 8:00 AM at the nearby Dennys.